Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is the best way to treat Lice?

So my nephew has lice...they have treated his hair with the most potent stuff at the store and he still has them...He has a lot of hair...rather long and thick...Does anyone have an suggestions?/ Would it be necissary to shave his head...If we do then will the lie stay in the clippers or is there a way to clean the clippers so they don't infect anyone else???

What is the best way to treat Lice?

Use some lice shampoo

What is the best way to treat Lice?

they have special shampoo that you can bye at drug stories

What is the best way to treat Lice?

wow! If you guys have tried everything and nothing works, I would shave off his head!. Im surprised he still has long hair after that. As for the clippers i'm sure they'll be okay if you leave them soaking in alcohol for a while.

What is the best way to treat Lice?

mayonise smothers them but you have to leave it in for 24 hours and then make sure you use that comb to get all the nits out. if that doesn't work call your peditriacan sulfar antibotic will treat it!!

oh make sure your treating all your furinture even your call a lice eggs lives up to six weeks in carpet pillows etc.

What is the best way to treat Lice?

My daughter had lice ongoing for almost a year. The doctor's are idiots. All those shampoos...even the ones prescribed by her doctor didn't work. I eventually found the only thing that worked for my daughter was REAL mayo, not miracle whip. Coat her head well...make sure you get the mayo onto her scalp. Wrap her head in plastic wrap. Let sit for at least 4 hours. Rinse with vinegar. Repeat every week for a month, and you will be free :)

What is the best way to treat Lice?

my kids use to get that when they were ran ramp-id at their school. the only product we used effectively was RID. everything else never worked. besides his hair, you need to wash all bedding in the hottest setting, clothes,pillows and if he's young enough for stuff animals around, they need to be packed in an air tight plastic bag for 2 weeks. shaving his head is extreme, but a shorter hair cut would help getting all the eggs. you might have been killing all the bugs, but if you don't get the eggs, it will keep manifesting and growing.

What is the best way to treat Lice?

ok, vigalence is the key here!! medicated shampoos work, as long as you are treating everything else (this is something that isn't mentioned). All his bedding needs to be washed in hot water. His stuffed animals, pillows and such should be placed in a plastic bag, then left alone for a week. Cushions on the couch should be vaccuumed, as well as a good cleaning of the floors. all members of the family should be treated, then follow up with another treatment in a week. The family should also check for nits (lice eggs) on your nephew's head. Nits are a pain, becase the 'glue' can be very difficult to remove from the hair follicle. It would be easier if his hair was not so long, however, if there is a daily check for eggs, he should clear up fairly soon.

Good luck

1 comment:

  1. My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became itchy...i think it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head? Is there any head lice treatment. My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became thinks it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head Lice Treatment?

